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Every year the Trust provides grants to individuals and organisations that align with our charitable aims. We are looking for projects that:


  • Enhance the environment for all pollinators

  • Further our understanding of the true nature of the honey bee

  • Provide ongoing educational, spiritual, artistic, scientific and inspirational outcomes for the public and honey bee community


Past projects have included:

To apply for funding we require a concise proposal (2  pages maximum) describing your project and financial plan.  The proposal must clearly show:


  • How the project aligns with the Trusts aims

  • Why the funds are needed, and what other funding sources you have approached

  • Budget details and how the money will be spent

  • How the recipient will demonstrate that the objectives of the funding have been met

  • Timescales


At present grants are between £500 to £2000 British Sterling per project. Projects are evaluated on a quarterly basis. The Trust looks favourably on match-funded projects. The operations of the Trust are transparent, therefore the funding of projects and the level of funding will be publicly available information.


We would expect a project to build in suitable reporting stages so that we can evaluate how successful the project has been and be able to report back to our supporters. 


You will be required to acknowledge the Trust’s support in any written, online or published material relevant to your project (this also includes Social Media outlets).

Please note that the Trust does not give grants for:


  • Standalone travel or conference registration fees

  • Academic chairs

  • Long-term or core funding (such as overheads or infrastructure within organizations)

  • Retrospective funding of projects (i.e. costs already incurred)

  • Entrepreneurs seeking funds for enterprises leading to commercial gain.

  • Other charities whose intention is to redistribute funds to external applicants

  • Basic beekeeping enterprises

  • Projects that may be considered personal lifestyle choices

Grant applications can be sent as a pdf attachment to, with subject “NBT Grant Application.”

Disclaimer: Whilst the trustees believe that any methods and research published through this website are beneficial to bee health in general, they cannot accept any legal liability to users of this website for any losses or damage sustained as a result of following any of the suggestions or methods described.


All content © 2024 The Natural Beekeeping Trust and respective rights holders. Registered Charity Number 1140009. 

PRIVACY POLICY                           Logo by Clare Mackie

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