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Summer Newsletter 2019

Dear friends and supporters of the Trust,

This summer our bees have been truly blessed. Lots of rain in May was followed by many glorious sunny days in June and July, resulting in perfect conditions for copious nectar flows from the linden trees and all the other blooms of early summer. In many parts of the country the bees celebrated by abundant and early swarming. Remarkably, all the loghives and freedom hives around the country that we are aware of were spontaneously occupied. Such observations are very valuable object lessons in learning from the bees one of their most important criteria in choosing nest sites: they like living high up.

Berlin Conference

First, here’s a message from our friends in Berlin who are organising Learning from the Bees Berlin; there are still tickets for sale, and thanks to generous sponsorship these have just been reduced. We are looking forward to connecting with and growing our network of international Bee people and hearing about the initiatives, creative projects and research being done locally and around the world.

Dear Hive,

We're four weeks from Learning from the Bees | Berlin 2019. We've organized a strong program that we're proud of: four full days, featuring 30+ speakers, who have already attracted attendees from around the world.

For those who attended the first Learning from the Bees, we hope to replicate its energy, excitement, and magic. We felt like we were witnessing a swarm: present in the midst of something wonderful, part of a community moving towards a new future, pregnant with the potential for greatness.

In Berlin we will follow this path, joining together beekeepers, foresters, farmers, and others to reimagine a better future for the bees — and a greener planet. We'll emphasize Zeidlerei (tree beekeeping) and encourage audience participation, because you're part of this swarm too.

You'll meet the experts, engage with other attendees, and share your own stories. You'll hear about innovative projects, new research, ways to ignite your inner activist, how to contribute to ecosystem regeneration, and learn much more from the bees.

We hope to see you in Berlin!

The Learning from the Bees | Berlin 2019 Team

Our Rewilding project at Pertwood

In June the Natural Beekeeping Trust was host to 14 Swiss and German bee scientists, researchers and veterinarians who were keen to see the Trust’s Pertwood farm rewilding project. Just weeks before, almost as if the bees knew they were coming, the bees increased their population to 4 wild colonies in tree cavities, log hives and bee boxes. Many of the party had never seen wild colonies before as they are now very rare in Switzerland.

Swiss visitors by the flower border - behind Sainfoin fields.

It is little surprise that the colonies do so well at Pertwood; the visitors witnessed the amazing 45 acres of nitrogen-fixing Sainfoin in bloom, gorgeous scarlet poppies in the oat fields, humming wildflower meadows, and vibrant 6m wide wildflower field borders created just for the hardworking pollinators and the drivers on the A350.

The motto of the farm is “You don’t need chemicals to farm”. We think they should add “just bees and flower power” to their motto.

The project is so successful it will now extend deeper into the farm.

Arboreal Salon

The next in our “Learning from the Bees” series of online guided conversations on matters of how we relate to the honeybee will take place on Saturday, August 24, 2019 18:15 - 20:00 UTC.

In Salon #6 we will explore sentience and bees and how we can expand humanity’s moral circle. The live stream is free to all.

Restoring habitat to honeybees

It’s heartening to know that more and more people are committed to helping the bees to live according to their natural preferences.

We find it very encouraging that the theme of bees in trees is garnering increased media attention.

We're delighted to support this marvellous project to create safe habitats for honeybees in Portugal. Please consider donating to this important cause.

Natural Bee Husbandry No. 12

The current issue of our journal (12) has just been published and is full of ideas and inspiration for anyone on the beecentred path.

We are delighted to offer reports from Sweden, Canada, the USA, Poland, Portugal and Germany.

If you wish to take advantage of the current prices we encourage you to order without delay, as subscription rates will soon be revised.

Thank you to all of our authors and readers.


Sponsors and Suporters

We express our thanks to all our friends and supporters, and especially to our generous sponsor 34.4º, a social enterprise committed to supporting bees and the environment. Elke de Wit would be grateful to hear from you if you would consider donating some of your treatment free beeswax to a good cause.

Disclaimer: Whilst the trustees believe that any methods and research published through this website are beneficial to bee health in general, they cannot accept any legal liability to users of this website for any losses or damage sustained as a result of following any of the suggestions or methods described.


All content © 2024 The Natural Beekeeping Trust and respective rights holders. Registered Charity Number 1140009. 

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