Bees for Peace and the inspiring Yossi Aud. "The bees produce abundance and healing in the world and all their products are products of health and medicine. "
Dear friends and supporters of the Natural Beekeeping Trust, We’d like to tell you what we’ve been up to since the last Learning from the Bees conference in Berlin, and give you a preview of what’s in store. Berlin conference/NBH magazine

The conference in Berlin was a great success, attracting a sizeable international audience. Various participants share their impressions in the current issue of Natural Bee Husbandry Magazine. Our much-loved journal is now on its 13th edition - it is heartening that our subscriber base is more than stable, indeed expanding month by month.

The current issue also contains an in-depth article about the special characteristics of trees favoured by bees for living in, by our friend Helen Leaf, whose interest in trees and bees have led her to some exciting discoveries. We encourage you to subscribe to what can truly be described as the good news, the inspiring news, in beekeeping. That there is so much of it, in so many countries round the world, it fills our hearts with joy!
NBKT’s Rewilding Projects

La Donaira in Spain Trustee Jonathan Powell has just returned from a most rewarding week in Andalucia, expanding the nesting opportunities for bees, teaching and learning together with special guests from Portugal who took an active part in furthering our aims for this wonderful project and sharing their own experience in a great spirit of bee-like collaboration. Read Jonathan’s report here.

Pertwood Farm in UK
Back in the UK we also have an update on the Pertwood organic farm rewilding project. The centerpiece has been for many years the UK’s first Zeilder tree hive - a hive carved into a tree. There has been a dramatic development. Read our report here.
Biodynamic Bee Meeting in Scotland We were honoured to address the annual gathering of biodynamic practitioners in Scotland on the topic of the spiritual stature of the honeybee at Garvald Farm and express our thanks to Rev Roger Druitt for supporting Heidi Herrmann on that event. Bees Know no Boundaries - Israel/Palestine We are delighted to follow an invitation to address beekeepers in Israel and Palestine this week 🐝✨🐝 and to become acquainted with the inspiring projects led by our host Yossi Aud. One of the many exciting projects initiated by Yossi is “BEES FOR PEACE”, inspired by the beautiful bees to bring together human hearts and inspire co-operation between Christians, Muslims and Jews, Palestinians, Israelis and Jordanians. Find out more about this project here https://www.yossiaud.co.il/bees-for-peace/ We will be accompanied by our lovely bee friends of Bee Time Artist Residency ) whose project "A Land of Milk and Honey" we have been pleased to support http://beetime.net/en/the-land-of-milk-and-honey/

In a related initiative the Trust has sponsored the delivery of a treehive from https://www.justbeeecohives.com for the Israel/Palestine Honeypath Project project based in a Jewish and Arabic village known as the Oasis of Peace. By the two communities working together with the bees, they hope to reflect the harmony of the hive in their own lives.
The Arboreal Apiculture Salon with Torben Schiffer
An Interactive Live Stream

We are looking forward to welcoming Torben Schiffer as our guest for Salon #7. Torben works for Prof. Jürgen Tautz / Hobos Project (University Würzburg), his research focuses on the climatic conditions of tree cavities and beehives, and the effects on bee health. Furthermore he is exploring the effects of beekeeping on the grooming behavior of bees. Torben's passionate talk at Learning from the Bees Berlin was for many the highlight of the conference.
Hosted by Jonathan Powell, Natural Beekeeping Trust, UK and Michael J. Thiele, Apis Arborea, USA. This is a free event which is very easy to join in. To get details of this event, register your interest here Next Stream: Saturday, November 16th, 2019 18:15 - 19:30 UTC For other time zones use this LINK to convert the time. NBKT support of promising bee projects Thanks to those who support our charity we have been able to provide financial assistance to the the following endeavours:
Land of Milk and Honey - Bee Time
Film documentary Être avec les abeilles - See trailer here
Deborah Ricahmond's rewilding project in project Portugal
Delivery of an Eco Hive to the Honeypath Project
If you like our work and would like us to do more, please consider donating to the Trust here.
Learning from the Bees 2020
At our beautiful conference Learning from the Bees in The Netherlands last year we promised various people that we’d convene a gathering in the UK next. We’re thrilled to let you know that “next” will be 25th-27th August 2020. We have reserved a small but very lovely venue in Devon and places will be limited to around 120. More news about this soon.
Sponsors and Supporters
We would like o express our thanks to all our friends and supporters who enable our work for the bees.